Archive for March, 2012

bahasa inggris

1) George is cooking dinner tonight
George : Subject
is cooking : verb
dinner : complement
tonight : modifier of time
2) Henry and Marcia have visited the president
Henry and Marcia : subject
have visited : verb phrase
the president : complement
3) We can eat lunch in this restaurant today
we : subject
can eat : verb phrase
lunch : complement
in this restaurant : modifier of place
today : modifier of time
4) Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday
Pat : subject
have bought : verb phrase
gasoline : complement
yesterday : modifier of time
5) Trees grow
Trees : subject
grow : verb
6) it was raining at seven o’clock this morning
it : subject
was raining : verb phrase
at seven o’clock this morning : modifier of time
7) she opened a checking account at the bank
she : subject
opened : verb
a checking account : complement
at the bank : modifier of place
last week : moifier of time
8) harry is washing dishes right now
harry : subject
is washing : verb phrase
dishes : complement
right now : modifier of time
9) she opened her book
she : subject
opened : verb
her book : complement
10) paul, william, and marry were watching television a few minutes ago
paul, william, and marry : subject
were watching : verb phrase
television : complement
a few minutes ago : modifier of time


business is :
in my opinion,business is a kind of effort that people doing all the time to fulfill their needs. Trying to get the highest profit with a least capital. They doing with their own way to reach the best result. It can be by themselves alone, or joinning the other to build a simple company at the first step

the business that i’ll choose :
i’ll choose an insurance business one. my reason is firstly, I haven’t to prepare a lot of money to begin it in capital. i just have to join at the company at all. Secondly,at the time i could worked or have a job at the other different office as an employee, or but i still can continue my business in insurance. And in the other hand, in this business i would help my customer to manage their finance well, take care of their health and also help they preparing their needs in the future which is in the investment. And i can also earning my own profit in my business way here.